
Monday, May 13, 2024

May I Ask You a Question?

May I ask you a question?

What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?

Think about it,

And feel free to place it in the comment section below.

But read on if you would like to hear of mine:

There was a time in my life when I was content, viewing myself as a good person, and believing that I was a Christian. One day that world completely changed.

It was the summer of 1969,

I was laying in my bed thinking about a story I had read earlier that day. A story of two young men travelling in a car, suddenly being involved in a fatal accident. The driver of the automobile was a Christian, who had on many occasions shared with his friend concerning Heaven and Hell, and how God had sent His Son to die for our sins, so that we might not perish but have everlasting life.

In the aftermath of that moment, the survivor of the crash realized that had he died he would have gone to hell, even though his friend was in heaven. A verse from the Bible stuck in his mind: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16). Laying there, in my bed that night, I also pondered that verse and acknowledged before God my trust in what Jesus had done for me, accepting Him as my Lord and Saviour.

I woke up the next morning a changed person, with a burning desire to know God and His Word better.  From that day forth I have had peace, knowing that I am going to Heaven. My life has had purpose, with God providing direction.

If you would be interested in knowing how God could do something like that in your life, I would welcome your feedback comment below or send me a direct message.

Monday, April 08, 2024

Life in Heaven or Hell?

"People who live in Heaven shouldn't judge those who live in Hell!" 

Who is the author referring to when he/she says "people who live in Heaven?". 

And ... who are "those who live in Hell?".

I wonder, and it disturbs me.

Am I blatantly guilty of passing judgement from the position from which I see myself?   Is this what is being referred to?   Am I viewing others from a position of security, knowing my eternal destiny, content in the present moment. 

Am I seeing, viewing them in ways that falls short of something deemed complimentary.    
Am I judging them for choices made in circumstances beyond their control. 

Am I judging them?

Am I looking down on them? 

Am I slowly and assuredly being transformed into the person I don't want to be?

Am I, are you, are we doing just that?.

If so, how do we stop? 

Any suggestions?

Monday, March 18, 2024

You're Not Indigenous!


I've been told ....

"That I don't understand/know what it's like to experience this or that!"

The implication being, it's not who you are or it's not what you've personally experienced.

How could you know?

And therefore, why should you be allowed to express an opinion or comment, and why should anyone listen to what you have to say!

I disagree ...

The assumption being that people know all they need to know about me, or that they have sufficient facts to make a conclusive statement about who they think I am or am not.

Case in point ...

Recently someone said in response to an action of mine that I shouldn't do or say this/that because it's not politically correct:

The comment made was ...

"You're not Indigenous?"

"Your actions are racist."

I asked "how do you know I'm not Indigenous?"

Is it because of my hair colour (red), skin colour (white), freckles and eyes ( that's a tricky one ... brown).

Is that why you think I'm not Indigenous?

Their response:

"You're not Indigenous?"

How do you know, I replied.

"My son is indigenous, and possesses associative inherent rights!"

Does it not seem therefore, rational, that I, his father, can say, ...

"I'm indigenous!"

Does not the inclusion of the one, by virtue of its inclusion, promote the other?

Or is it only a one way street?

My son bears my surname, is wholly a part of our family, along with a brother and sister with whom he shares associative inherit rights.

If that is true, is it not equally true that I have a right to be included in his family?

My son is Metis, and until relatively recent years, was rejected by both caucasian and indigenous people as belonging to neither society.  With the inclusion of his place in one group (indigenous), does it not seem right we should be including him in the other, of which he is a part?  Likewise, should we not equally be investing time and energy building bridges, rather than erecting walls amongst ourselves.  How can things get better if all we are doing is replace one form of exclusion for another?

I agree that I'm not Indigenous, but I also believe I have a position at the table, just as my son equally has a right.

Monday, January 08, 2024

The Beginning of a New Era

"In the beginning ..." No, not that sort of beginning! More like a resurrection. It was 11 years ago (December 30, 2012) that I last wrote expressing my thoughts, and ramblings on topics close to my heart. I'm not sure why I stopped. Maybe it was the passing of our oldest son ... possibly the myriad of significant moments in life. I've really never stopped to think about it. But one thing I am considering, or deep down even know to be! It's time to begin, to breathe from the ashes/ambers into flame, some of the many musings my thoughts contain, concerning an innumerable number of topics. Someone once said: "the end of one era, is the begiining of another." The picture below shows me doing something I'm not known for ... "dancing!". It's been a long time, but just before midnight on December 31, 2023 I decided to get up and dance to Katrina & the Waves singing "Walking on Sunshine." And "it feels good!"

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The End of an Era

Yesterday marked the end of an era for me, as friends gathered for a concerted effort to wish Bob, Todd & Wil "all the best" in the new year, not knowing when & where we'd be seeing them again.  Urban Wasp / Vespa Vancouver will remain open for a couple more weeks as they continue to liquidate stock & fixtures, but the inevitable closure is imminent.
I had advertised this last gathering as a "wake" (of sorts).
I was disappointed in some ways that so few showed up, but not surprised.  As Joni Mitchell so aptly put it "you don't know what you've got until it's gone" (Big Yellow Taxi).  What did surprise me was who showed up.  Moffat (from our days of the "Scoot Vancouver Style" yahoo group), Mark (Worst Scooter Club Ever) who I got to know from Vespa Club of Vancouver days, Diana De Van (former salesperson), Orin from Bellingham (fellow SOB member & blogger extraordinaire), Hans (sans scoot) and a host of others. 

I tried to remember this morning, how many years since I first pulled an espresso from the machine that was lying dormant in the corner.  It was shortly after buying my 2005 Vespa PX 150, that I asked Bob about the machine and whether he would mind me coming down on Saturdays.  So maybe, it all began in 2006 which would make it 6 years in total.

Thanks Bob & Ron for the experience.  You guys bought a lot of the coffee & the supplies and we drank it up.  I insisted that those who wanted a coffee should pay something for it and so began the tradition of donating the proceeds to charity (which Urban Wasp generously matched).  Hundred of dollars went to the Vancouver Food Bank, Children's Hospital Foundation, Canuck Place and the Alzheimer's Society of BC ($2500 for that particular effort).

What can I say?

A huge vacuum has been left in the Vancouver scootering community.  Only two shops dedicated to scootering remain.  Fortunately, there are a few motorcycle dealers who have shown a willingness to support scooterists over the years as well.

I was asked whether I had planned a service for my so-called "wake."  I hadn't, as I knew I would be busy making espresso, latte's & cappuccino's as well as keeping an eye on the BBQ (making sure the smokies didn't burn - they didn't).  But as I pondered what I would have said, had I taken the opportunity to "officiate" in my capacity as a preacher, I did come up with a few thoughts.

In my mind, I thought about the biblical story of Joseph.  Sold into slavery by jealous brothers who initially sought his death, he ascended the ranks of a slave to become second only to the King over a nation.  In that position he became the saviour of his people.  Upon a chance re-uniting of himself with his brothers (who at that point feared for their own lives), he assured them that he meant them no wrong.  In essence he told them, that what they had intended for evil, God had intended for good.

It is my sincere hope that for Bob, Todd, Wil & Luis, what might be seen as a negative chapter in their lives will turn around to be looked upon in the future as something good.

Kudos to Ron Hillman for his considerable investment in Urban Wasp over the years.  He has provided gainful employment for many individuals and has helped to establish the Piaggio marque (Vespa, Aprilia, Piaggio, Derbi), along with SYM & Peugeot in the Vancouver market.  His integrity, generosity and benevolence via this particular dealership will be greatly missed.

To each one of you, I pray this blessing to be true:

May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make his face to shine upon you,
and be gracious to you.
May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
and give you peace.
Number 6:24-26

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Leading by Example

I have a good friend who won't lead a scooter ride, but who does a pretty good job of leading in other ways.  I find him to be sensitive, generous, kind and thoughtful.  Over the years, I have admired his effort to devote Sunday to spending time with his wife.  Today, I chose to take a page of out his book.  The opportunity presented itself (weather) to spend the day meeting new friends and scooting around the countryside.  I had received a posting yesterday of a meetup @ 11:00 am, with a ride to follow at noonish, for a trip to Abbotsford via back roads.  It's been a long winter and a wet spring.  I was excited at the thought  of this journey.

But as I worked through the day, I was overcome with the desire to spend the day with my wife.  Like Bob, Sunday is the only full day that I share with my wife (other than statutory holidays).  Upon awakening this morning and while making breakfast for the two of us, I made the decision.  No scooting today.  Instead I would spend the day with Jennifer.

As we ate our breakfast, I told her that I had decided to not go scooting today.

She asked why, and I responded with ... "I'd rather spend the day with you!"

I suggested that after church and lunch, we'd go for drive, some walks and a dinner date.  The remainder of this post is how the day unfolded.

West on Highway #1 ...

Following the path of my daily commute to work, we headed toward Horseshoe Bay utilizing the Trans Canada Highway.  Not the most scenic of drives, it got us to the beginning of our adventure in good time.

Whytecliffe Park ...

"Whytecliff Park (15.63 hectares in size) is located in a beautiful corner of Howe Sound with a rugged coastline and spectacular views of colourful mountains and passing boats. The waters off the Park became Canada’s first Salt Water Marine Protected Area (MPA) in 1993 and are now famous for its incredible underwater diving. Five hectares (12.3 acres) of this park contains a playground, picnic spots, a swimming beach, tennis courts and an observation pavilion from which to admire the stunning views."

We spend about a 1/2 hour walking about and could have spend the day, but this was a sort of marathon trip.  Touch downs on favourite places, with little time to linger.

Horseshoe Bay Village ....

Jennifer & I both remember numerous trips to Vancouver Island via Horseshoe Bay terminal with the accompanying waits for a ferry.  Our children were small and we frequently walked into the village while our car sat in line holding our place.  In those days, there was no Subway restaurant for a quit bite to eat nor the Starbucks.  Just the ambiance of a small village with nice park and some green grass for the kids to burn off some energy.

Not much has changed, but today you can get a submarine sandwich at Subway, a decent ice cream cone at Baskin Robbins and a coffee from Starbucks.

Neither of us can easily say no to the offer of a Starbucks.  Today was no different as I asked ... "would you like an iced Americano?"

Marine Drive, West Vancouver ...

As we drove along, I commented that this is my favourite road in all of the lower mainland.  Whether by car or scoot, I can't seem to get enough of it.  Today was no different.  I was loving it!

I had already planned a stop along the way.

Point Atkinson ...

It seems that a lot of other people had similar plans for the day.  There was well over a 100 cars, parked wherever they could.  Other than the steep decline to the lighthouse (what goes down, must come up), I have no complaints about trips to Lighthouse Park.  Austen (our beagle) thinks she has died and gone to heaven.  There are so many scents and a beautiful forest to explore.  We are sure that she knows where she is and remembers her last walk in this direction.

After a quick walk to the lighthouse, it was time to be on our way.  The Phyl Munday Nature House was open today, but it will have to wait for another day.  I trust that we didn't miss our chance.

Whole Foods ...

I know, it was a date and here's this guy stopping in at a food store.  But I couldn't resist, there's this irresistable urge that comes over me.  My three main stops are the bakery (picked up some crumpets for my breakfast on Tuesday), the meat department (smoked turkey sausage with sun dried tomato & basil, as well as some bison pepperoni) and the vegetable department where I snuck a picture of heirloom tomatoes.  Not sure what the excitement is about, but a few of our customers (Jim Koo Produce) keep asking for this product.  If we were still living in Manitoba, we could supply them with all the heirloom tomatoes their little heart desired.

Speaking of tomatoes, Jennifer availed herself of the opportunity to purchase a tomato plant, which is part of her efforts to do a bit of container growing on our patio each year.

Our journey continued ...

Lion's Gate Bridge / Stanley Park

Traffic was thick as we headed into Vancouver for supper, but we were in nIto rush.  It was just 5 o'clock, the beagle had been fed, watered and taken for her constitutional.

Pepitas Restaurant ...

For those who don't know, I work at a fruit & vegetable wholesale. Pepitas is one of our customers and I've been wanting to try out their menu since tasting some tortilla chips & salsa that one of our drivers has generously shared with us after making his morning delivery.

We were not disappointed!

We shared a combination plate and left satisfied, after an enjoyable dinner.

Bobskoot & Mrs. Scoot (aka my boss @ Jim Koo Produce) ...

Thank you for a lovely day!

Sunday, November 07, 2010


Jennifer & I, more or less, became empty-nesters in 1999 at the age of 45.  Our oldest at that time was 22 and the youngest 18.  Our daughter, born between the two, isn't revealing her age.  It happened in a strange way.  We moved to Vancouver and they maintained their residency in Manitoba.

As a result, getting together as a family hasn't been that easy.  The distance and cost of air travel has restricted our ability to be together in one place.  This past year has been different.  We have gotten together twice, but unfortunately the death of Jennifer's Mom (just after Thanksgiving in 2009) and her Dad this spring (just after Easter) precipated the occasion.

Above, you see the family together, sans the photographer.

They mean a lot to me!

So do my many friends and relatives.

A New Year will soon be upon us.  With the turning of the page ushering in 2011, it is not unusual for people to reflect upon the past and look to the future.  I'm getting a jump on things and beginning to work on my resolution for the coming year.  My goal is to let friends and family know how special they are to me.  It will mean getting a bit "touchy-feely" (a bit is all I can handle) and moving out of my comfort zone.

Watch out!

My love is coming through.