Did you know the odds of being struck by lightning, once in your lifetime, are approximately 1 in 15,300? And that of being struck twice in your lifetime is approximately 1 in 9 million!
For LOTTO 6/49, the odds of winning the major jackpot is 1 in almost 14 million, while a ticket for LOTTO MAX presents a chance of winning calculated at 1 in 29 million.
The odds of winning the Powerball (an American lottery game offered by 45 states) jackpot is projected to be an astronomical 1 in 292 million.
is it any wonder that such wins are deemed astonishing!
Keeping these facts In mind, it might seem reasonable to view these seemingly impossible wins as possessing “good or bad luck” (depending on the circumstances).
Which got me thinking …
Are some people just born “lucky?” (possessing a seemingly “Midas” touch), where good things or circumstances precede all else in their lives.
And on the other hand, are some “cursed” from the day of their birth? Experiencing a life full of turmoil, loss and suffering.
Could it all be … “c'est la vie” (that’s life or such is life)?
The psalmist writes:
The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.
(Psalm 90:10)
It makes me wonder …
Is life no more than random chance, is it no more than the proverbial rolling of the dice or is there an overriding force or governance that determines our destiny or experience.
A friend of mine believes that a lot of it has to do with the principle of karma, wherein an individuals' intent and actions (cause) influence their future (effect).
The following might help to explain …
This friend was standing in line at Tim Hortons early one morning on his way to work, waiting his turn to give an order. In front of him stood a gentleman, who was giving the person taking his order a hard time about coffee being served in a paper cup. He was rude, belligerent and foul mouthed in his demand to be served his coffee in a porcelain mug, and for the paper cup to be shoved #%< (you know where)! He continued his tirade, muttering as he walked away, cup in hand, scowling.
Somewhat embarrassed by the episode, my friend placed his ordered and headed off for work, coffee in hand.
These were the days of “Roll up the Rim, to Win” and it wasn’t until much later in the day that my friend finished his coffee and began the roll up the rim to see what he might have won. Though not often, it wasn’t that uncommon to be rewarded with a free coffee or doughnut/cookie instead of the usual “try again!”
This day was different …
As he began to unroll the rim, he noticed that something was different. There was no “try again”, “free coffee” or “free doughnut/cookie” stamped along the edge.
This time he read: “You have won a brand new 2005 Toyota Prius!”
He was ecstatic!
When the excitement of his good fortune wore off, he remembered the encounter at the counter that morning. The coffee cup in his hand was the paper cup that had so vehemently been rejected by the man in front of him that morning.
The man before him would have been the winner. But instead became the loser. My friend’s wife, a Thai Buddhist, saw this as an example of good “karma!”
The result of good deeds, thoughts, actions being rewarded.
I could go on …
More examples of luck, unexplained coincidences and random occurrences of good/bad fortune …
But is it only that? Could there not be something more? Could there not be some overriding governing force that guides our destiny?
Is it not possible that there exists a personal, omnipotent, omnipresent God who allows, prevents, oversees what we experience in life?
I have my opinion …
What do you think?
I do believe we can rest in the assurance that life isn’t always fair, that some seem luckier than others, that many have more than their fair share of adversity and misfortune.
But God is Good!
And I do believe:
”Godliness with contentment is great gain.”
1 Timothy 6:6
In that, I put my trust & rest!
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