
Sunday, November 07, 2010


Jennifer & I, more or less, became empty-nesters in 1999 at the age of 45.  Our oldest at that time was 22 and the youngest 18.  Our daughter, born between the two, isn't revealing her age.  It happened in a strange way.  We moved to Vancouver and they maintained their residency in Manitoba.

As a result, getting together as a family hasn't been that easy.  The distance and cost of air travel has restricted our ability to be together in one place.  This past year has been different.  We have gotten together twice, but unfortunately the death of Jennifer's Mom (just after Thanksgiving in 2009) and her Dad this spring (just after Easter) precipated the occasion.

Above, you see the family together, sans the photographer.

They mean a lot to me!

So do my many friends and relatives.

A New Year will soon be upon us.  With the turning of the page ushering in 2011, it is not unusual for people to reflect upon the past and look to the future.  I'm getting a jump on things and beginning to work on my resolution for the coming year.  My goal is to let friends and family know how special they are to me.  It will mean getting a bit "touchy-feely" (a bit is all I can handle) and moving out of my comfort zone.

Watch out!

My love is coming through.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

I consider myself warned ...

Only my father starts setting new years resolutions in November. Now, who do I take after?!